Step by StepPOS Ordering

1: go to order tab on the left

2 a) Auto generate order

there are two ways to auto order generation that we support for OTC items.

  • Generate order would auto generate all the items sold within the timeframe set in the date range selector

  • Generate Min/max order

    • this needs to be set in product page->product details-> order preference (bottom right)

2 b) manually adding items to the order list

  • go to inventory page

  • select the item you wish to order

  • click add at the top right

3) editing order

  • select the orders you want to modify

  • edit the fields

    • please note that the mckesson/knf option would show up iff the item is in the corresponding catalogue

    • click the check mark on the top left to confirm the edit

4) Placing the order

  • scroll down to confirm/submit the order

  • Note: you can enter your own purchase order number at the top right. A PO number will be automatically generated if you leave it blank

5) You should find all the items purchased in the purchase order tab upon a successful order submission.

6) Order receiving

  • click receive invoice at the top right right corner

  • click the invoice

  • edit (pencil item at the top right to edit)/confirm the shipped quantity then click “add to inventory” at top right




Point Of Sale - Basics